Thursday, November 28, 2019

Psychology of Guido Orifice in “Life Is Beautiful” Essay Essay Example

Psychology of Guido Orifice in â€Å"Life Is Beautiful† Essay Paper Guido Orefice. the chief character from ‘La Vita E Bella. ’ is a really optimistic individual. He works for his uncle in a hotel in Italy. He keeps knocking into a lady. whom he considers to be his princess. Principessa Dora. Guido does many things and takes many hazards merely to see Dora. So they fall in love with each other and acquire married. They have a male child name Joshua. Their life is really great until the Nazis semen and take them all off to a concentration cantonment. On that really same twenty-four hours it is Joshua’s seventh birthday. Guido says that he has planned a birthday surprise and that they are traveling to a fun topographic point to play fun games. Guido tells his boy that he needs to be quiet and make what the guards say while the grownups travel and play games. He besides said that every game they win and for every clip they do something right they get a certain figure of points. The first individual to win 1. 000 points gets a existen t armored combat vehicle. Joshua truly wants it so he does what he is told to. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology of Guido Orifice in â€Å"Life Is Beautiful† Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology of Guido Orifice in â€Å"Life Is Beautiful† Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology of Guido Orifice in â€Å"Life Is Beautiful† Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So while Joshua is concealing all the other childs are being gassed and killed. Besides Guido is working really hard so he does non acquire killed and can do his boy happy. He gives up his nutrient and other basic demands to hold his boy think they are playing a game. By the terminal of the war. Guido says they have 940 points ; the Nazis are pitilessly killing the Jews. Guido tell Joshua to conceal in a small box. and non to come out until he comes back or until it is wholly quiet. and that this will acquire him to 1. 000 points and he will him the game. Guido so dresses up as a miss and goes looking for his married woman. A Nazi comes and takes him into an back street and shoots him. Soon the gunfires die down and everyone foliages. Then Joshua comes out of his box and looks about. He sees a big armored combat vehicle coming towards him and is excited because he won the game and got his armored combat vehicle. In the terminal. Joshua is a adult adult male and you hear him say. â€Å"This is my narrative. This was the forfeit my male parent made. This was his gift to me. † Erik Erikson identified eight psychosocial phases during which an individual’s primary end is to fulfill desires associated with congenital societal demands. He hypothesized that from babyhood through maturity. we proceeds through these phases. each of which is related to a different job that needs to be resolved. If the possible job is dealt with successfully it will ensue in a positive personality trait. If non cover with decently he or she may go dying. disquieted. or troubled and develop societal and personality jobs. Guido has gone through every phase with a successful consequence. He has trust. liberty. inaugural. industry. individuality and familiarity. Generativity versus stagnancy is the Phase 7 job. So far. Guido is tilting towards generativity. but it could alter. If Guido had remained alive boulder clay Stage 8. he would hold unity alternatively of desperation. Sigmund Freud hypothesized five psychosexual phases during which a child’s primary end is to fulfill desires associated with unconditioned biological demands. Freud believed that the interactions between parent and kid greatly influenced the child’s societal development and future societal interactions. Guido is presently in the venereal phase. the last phase that lasts from pubescence through maturity. It is the clip when an person has renewed sexual desires that he or she seeks to carry through through relationships. Guido must hold had a job during the unwritten phase so hence he had an unwritten arrested development. Guido loves to speak and do people laugh. that is how we figure that out. Lawrence Kohlberg developed a theory to explicate moral development. His theory had some similar characteristics to the other analysts. He classified moral concluding into 3 degrees. pre-conventional. conventional. and post-conventional. The three degrees are each divided into two phases. Besides. he suggested that everyone progresses through the degrees in order. from lowest to highest. Not many people make it to the higher phases of moral development. Guido is considered to be in Stage 3 because his married woman and his boy steer his moral determinations. Guido can understand the actions and talk of Phase 4 where moral logical thinking is determined most by corroborating Torahs of society. Abraham Maslow was interested in human motives. particularly in how worlds go about taking which biological or societal demands to fulfill. He proposed the hierarchy of demands. It is an go uping order with biological demands at the underside and societal demands at top. This shows that we foremost satisfy our biological demands before societal 1s. Before the Nazis came and took Guido and his household off. Guido was on the highest degree. the degree of Self-Actualization. It involves developing and making our full potency as a alone human being. When he was in the concentration cantonment. his whole hierarchy of demands started all over once more and he was back at degree one. When he was shooting he was still at degree one because he had no protection and injury. Carl Rogers had a personality theory that was frequently called the self-theory because of his accent on the ‘self. ’ Our society besides leads us astray with conditions of worth. As we grow up. our parents. instructors. equals. the media. and others. merely give us what we need when we show we are â€Å"worthy. † instead than merely because we need it. We get a drink when we finish our category. we get something sweet when we finish our veggies. and most significantly. we get love and fondness if and merely if we behave. These actions of merely acquiring positive respect on status are called conditional positive respect. Because we do so necessitate positive respect. these conditions are really powerful. and we bend ourselves into a form determined by a society that may or may non genuinely hold our best involvements at bosom. A good small male child or miss may non be a healthy or happy male child or miss. Over clip. this â€Å"conditioning† leads us to hold conditional positive dignity as good. We begin to wish ourselves merely if we meet up with the criterions others have applied to us. instead than if we are genuinely realizing our potencies. And since these criterions were created without maintaining each person in head. more frequently than non we find ourselves unable to run into them. and hence unable to keep any sense of self-pride. Guido had unconditioned positive respect and unconditioned positive dignity. This is the antonym of what is above. Guido was loved no affair what happened and he loved himself because of that. He did non maintain and high ends and was ever happy and had a high self-pride. The last. and likely the most elaborate analysis of Guido’s personality would be Myers-Briggs. Harmonizing to the Myers-Briggs trial. Guido is an ENFP. This stands for Extrovert. Intuitive. Feeling. and Perceiving. ENFPs want to both aid and be liked and admired by other people. on an person and a human-centered degree. They have a big sum of passionate appeal. They are surpassing. merriment. and truly like people. They are warm. affectionate. and disconcertingly self-generated. However. their attending span can be short. ENFPs are easy intrigued and distracted by new friends and familiarities. burying about the older 1s. ENFPs are pleasant. easygoing. and normally fun to work with. They come up with great thoughts. and are a major plus in brainstorming Sessionss. Follow-through tends to be a job because they get world-weary rapidly. particularly if a newer. more interesting undertaking comes along. They besides tend to be postponers. both about run intoing difficult deadlines and about executing any little. uninteresting undertakings that they’ve been assigned. Guido meets about all of the traits of an ENFP.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

9 recursos para hacer frente a la deportacin

9 recursos para hacer frente a la deportacin Todos los extranjeros, incluidos los residentes permanentes legales, pueden ser deportados por mà ºltiples causas. Cuando un inmigrante est en un proceso de deportacià ³n, o se ha dictado en su contra una orden de salida de Estados Unidos, tiene a su alcance una serie de recursos frente a la deportacià ³n que puede utilizar. Deber elegir entre los mismos segà ºn las caracterà ­sticas especà ­ficas de su caso y de su situacià ³n. 9 recursos frente a la deportacià ³n de inmigrantes 1. Salida voluntaria: es una modalidad de alivio discrecional de la deportacià ³n. Es decir, una corte en audiencia o las autoridades migratorias tienen libertad para decidir si la conceden. Permite que un extranjero abandone EEUU sin el estigma de la deportacià ³n. Pero su gran ventaja es que permite al inmigrante, una vez que se encuentre de regreso en su paà ­s, solicitar una visa para regresar a EEUU, que podr ser concedida o denegada, segà ºn las circunstancias de cada caso. 2. Cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n (conocida como relief of removal en inglà ©s) es otro recurso frente a la deportacià ³n de inmigrantes. Los requisitos para solicitarla varà ­an segà ºn el caso: si se es un residente legal permanente, si no se es, o si es una và ­ctima de violencia domà ©stica. En ningà ºn caso la persona que solicite la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n puede haber sido condenada anteriormente por haber cometido una felonà ­a o delito agravado. 3. Asilo: puede ser un recurso frente a la deportacià ³n. Se puede conceder a las personas que acrediten que no pueden regresar a su paà ­s porque allà ­ han sido perseguidos o teman por motivos fundados que puedan serlo por razà ³n de su opinià ³n polà ­tica, raza, religià ³n, nacionalidad o pertenecer a un determinado grupo social. Entre los requisitos mà ­nimos para que el asilo se conceda se encuentran el haberlo solicitado en el plazo de un aà ±o a contar desde la fecha de entrada en EEUU, no haber sido condenado por una felonà ­a o delito agravado y no ser un riesgo para la seguridad nacional. No debe confundirse el asilo con el aplazamiento de la expulsià ³n (withholding of removal, en inglà ©s), que es una proteccià ³n temporal. Para que se conceda el inmigrante debe demostrar durante el proceso de deportacià ³n que, si regresa a su paà ­s, existe una probabilidad de que ser torturado que es mayor a la de que no lo ser. Si consigue probarlo, el aplazamiento de la expulsià ³n deber necesariamente ser otorgado. 4. Ajuste de estatus: es un proceso por el que un extranjero adquiere la condicià ³n de residente permanente legal. En el caso de una deportacià ³n, durante el proceso el inmigrante puede solicitar al juez que ajuste su estatus, siempre y cuando el interesado cumpla una serie de requisitos. Salvo excepciones muy concretas, no se concede el ajuste de estatus a personas contra las que con anterioridad se dictà ³ una orden de deportacià ³n. 5. Mocià ³n para reabrir un caso: se presenta ante un juez de inmigracià ³n cuando el inmigrante tenga acceso a una nueva prueba que sea importante y que no tuviera a su disposicià ³n durante la audiencia de deportacià ³n. Deber presentarse en los 90 dà ­as siguientes a la orden final de deportacià ³n. Esta mocià ³n no suspende la ejecucià ³n de la deportacià ³n, que sigue su curso, a menos que la corte o el DHS acuerde un aplazamiento de la deportacià ³n. 6. Mocià ³n para revisar un caso de deportacià ³n: se presenta ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones de Inmigracià ³n, informacià ³n en inglà ©s (BIA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Su objetivo es que se revise el caso argumentando que ha habido un error en la aplicacià ³n de la ley o en los hechos. Deber presentarse esta en los 30 dà ­as siguientes al dictamen firme de la orden de deportacià ³n. Al igual que ocurre con la mocià ³n para reabrir el caso, aquà ­ tampoco se suspende el proceso ordinario de ejecucià ³n de la deportacià ³n a menos que una corte o el DHS ordene un aplazamiento de la misma. 7. Aplazamiento de la deportacià ³n (conocido como stay of removal en inglà ©s): es una suspensià ³n temporal de la ejecucià ³n de una orden de deportacià ³n. Es automticamente concedida en los casos de apelacià ³n, pero discrecional en otros supuestos. 8. Apelacià ³n administrativa: una vez que un juez de inmigracià ³n ha dictado una orden de deportacià ³n, el afectado puede recurrir la decisià ³n ante el BIA. Asimismo, si el Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus sigles en inglà ©s) no est de acuerdo con la decisià ³n del juez de inmigracià ³n, tambià ©n puede apelar. La decisià ³n del BIA en vinculante, es decir, debe ser obedecida tanto por el juez de inmigracià ³n que fallà ³ en primera instancia como por el DHS y el inmigrante. En dicha decisià ³n se puede confirmar la decisià ³n judicial original o cambiarla, es decir, puede dejar sin efecto la orden de deportacià ³n. En casos muy extraordinarios, el Procurador General de Estados Unidos puede alterar una decisià ³n del BIA. 9. Apelacià ³n judicial. En casos muy especiales se permite que un inmigrante apele la decisià ³n del Tribunal de Apelaciones de Inmigracià ³n (BIA) ante una corte federal. Todas las formas de alivio discrecional que corresponde al inmigrante probar que reà ºne los requisitos legales para que se le conceda el alivio y que se lo merece. La Corte tiene libertad para decidir si lo concede o no. En el caso de salida voluntaria no es necesaria la audiencia en Corte, ya que puede ser acordada por las autoridades migratorias. Consejos Si mientras dura la espera para presentarse en Corte si se produce un cambio de domicilio a otro estado, es posible solicitar un cambio de corte. Las revisiones de los procesos de deportacià ³n que se estn llevando a cabo en casos muy concretos y por decisià ³n de las autoridades migratorias suponen la no deportacià ³n del inmigrante beneficiado, pero a diferencia de recursos de alivio como el ajuste de estatus o el asilo, en esos casos el inmigrante no gana el derecho a una residencia permanente. En otras palabras, no va a ser deportado pero tampoco es legalizado. El presidente Obama autorizà ³ dos pequeà ±os alivios. Uno para Dreamers que cumplen con los requerimientos para solicitar la Accià ³n Diferida. El otro para familiares de militares mediante la parole in place. Beneficios y perdones Los inmigrantes con peticiones antiguas aprobadas pero que no finalizaron los trmites podrà ­an estar protegidos por la norma 245(i). Si se cree que se tiene derecho a este beneficio, consultar con un abogado. Si se produce una deportacià ³n, en algunos casos es posible pedir el perdà ³n I-212  y, posiblemente, otro perdà ³n al mismo tiempo para no tener que cumplir fuera de Estados Unidos todos los aà ±os del castigo. NOTA Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Computer applications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Computer applications - Essay Example The use of computerized physician order entry will make it able for comparison of orders against recommended standards while also conducting a background check on other patient’s health conditions like allergies and the various conditions that could arise from the use of the medication. The four methods for ensuring physical security of health information include having facility access controls, regulating workstation use, workstation security and device and media controls. Facility access controls includes the policies and the procedures limiting physical access to information systems and the facilities an entity houses its electronic information systems and only allowing properly authorized access. Workstation use involves putting in place standards that specify the proper functions to be performed the electronic devices of the entity which might include laptops or desktop computers which should ensure that inappropriate use is not allowed to limit instances of risks like virus attacks. Workstation security on the other hand deals with physical protection from unauthorized users by restriction of physical access to workstations through the use of secured locations with access for only authorized personnel. Device and media controls regulates the receipt and the r emoval of hardware and electronic media within and without the facility and general handling of protected health information. Some of the strengths of potential of future technologies as described in the video The Future of Healthcare: Artificial Intelligence & Clinical Support System include the ability of the medical artificial intelligence to perform diagnosis while also having the capabilities of making therapy recommendations. Additionally, artificial intelligence programs are synchronized with symbolic models of disease entities with their relationship to different patient factors and clinical manifestations which improves the accuracy of the